Parent Information
Key PersonThe key person approach is the way in which we ensure that each child has a strong relationship with an adult in the nursery to support their wellbeing. Positive, supportive relationships will help ensure your child settles well and does not feel bewildered when staring the nursery. By allocating a key Person to each child, your child will know that there is someone in particular taking care of them whilst they are away from their Parents/Carers. In addition to building relationships with your child, the Key Person is the best person to share information with you about your child’s experiences. The partnership with your child’s key Person takes place prior to the initial settling in session, when your key Person discusses your first visit with you. This special relationship is nurtured as your child’s Key Person jointly co-ordinates your child’s care and education requirements by taking time to share ideas, listen to you and your child and reflect on your child’s specific requirements. The Key Person will ensure they have all the information they need, prior to your child starting the nursery they will want to know about your child’s progress and development their experiences and achievements and will also discuss any concerns you may have. The Key Person will be able to offer to come and visit you and your Child in your home, prior to starting nursery, to lay the foundations of trust with you and your Child.
The Key Person is also responsible for keeping observations and recording progress and development in your child’s link books and learning journey. Parents/Carers and children are encouraged to share and contribute to children’s link books and portfolios. |