Parent Information
Admission PolicySt. Andrew's Nursery is a place where each child will benefit from the inclusive approach adopted by the setting. We understand that each child has very different needs and therefore require you to book an appointment to view the nursery of your choice, before downloading an enrolment form. When you come to view the nursery of your choice, our team of professionals will discuss with you how we can support your Child and will decide together the best way to settle your child into the nursery. We will always try to accommodate the days and hours that you require, subject to availability.
AccidentsIf a child has a minor Accident/Incident on the nursery premise, a member of staff will administer first aid and offer comfort. The Accident/Incident will be recorded on an Accident/Incident sheet and Parents/Carers will be asked to sign it when they collect their child. If your child is very distressed we will phone you and ask you to collect your child. For more serious accidents or bumps to the head, Parent/Careers will be notified immediately. If emergency treatment is needed we will phone for an ambulance and then contact the Parents/Carers. Please note that the majority of our staff are First Aid trained. A list of Staff who are First Aid trained can be found on the Parents Notice Board.
Security at St Andrew's NurseryThe safety and security of children and adults at St Andrew's Nursery is paramount. The main entrance door is always locked and there is a CCTV system in place at both nurseries. All visitors to the nursery must sign the visitors book and are required to show proof of identity if requested. All parents are asked to sign in when they arrive at the nursery and to sign out when they are leaving. We ask that parents collect their children promptly, however we understand that there may be occasions where lateness is inevitable. Therefore we ask Parents to notify the nursery about lateness, at the earliest convenience. If for any reason you cannot collect your child, you must phone and tell us who will be collecting them, giving us a full name and description of the person who will be coming. Please note we will not allow your child to be collected by anyone that has not been authorised by a parent to do so.
Inclusion PolicyWe at St. Andrews Nursery are committed to providing an environment where children feel valued and free from discrimination. This is reflected in our multicultural community. We strive to deliver equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and not disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture, or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, gender or ability. Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults and in providing equal opportunities we can strive to challenge discrimination and prejudice in future generations.
| Settling in PolicyWe want this to be both an easy and a good experience. The settling-in period for every child must be carefully managed and supportive for both child and parent. We will discuss your child’s needs, and the best way to settle your child with you before your child is due to start. Please remember that each child is different; some children settle very quickly where others may take longer. We ask for your co-operation at this stage. We will ask you to bring any comforters your child has, to help us with the transition from home to nursery. Please note that we will always phone you if your child is unhappy. Parents are always welcome to phone us during the day to see how their child is doing.
IllnessIf your child is unwell and unable to attend the nursery we welcome a telephone call. If your child becomes unwell at nursery, we will contact you using the emergency number you have provided. Children who have been prescribed antibiotics to treat an infection should remain home for at least 48 hours. Children with conjunctivitis may be excluded for a minimum of 24 hours if required, at the discretion of the nursery manager during which time they should have received adequate treatment. Children who have suffered a bout of sickness and diarrhea must not return to nursery until they are eating a reasonable diet and have been symptom free for at least 24 hours. Nursery staff are able to administer prescribed medicines and skin cream however the following conditions apply:
UniformChildren who attend St Andrew's Nursery are encouraged to wear our uniform. T-shirts and Sweatshirts can be purchased from the Nursery. Prices on request.
Policies and ProceduresAll our policies and Procedures can be found in the office. We encourage Parents/Carers to read through our policies and offer suggestions on ways to further develop our nursery. |